e-Mail Hosting

If you do not need full web hosting, we can provide e-mail hosting only for your domain.

Features: Efficiency Pro Microsoft® Hosted Exchange
Storage Space 1.5 GB 3 GB 1 or 3 GB packages
Pricing $1.49* $4.99* $6.99*
e-Mail attachment Size 25 MB 60 MB 50 MB
alias oer account 4 12 Unlimited
Spam and Virus Protection Yes Yes Yes
Integrate with MS Outlook Yes Yes Yes
IMAP Support Yes Yes Yes
POP3 Support Yes Yes Yes
Sync Outlook Calendar/Contacts/Tasks No Yes Yes
Webmail No Yes Yes
Document Management No Yes Yes
Public Folders No Yes Yes
Subscription to Google Calendar No Yes Yes

How do we compare?

If you compare, we offer more of what the others provide but for the same or a lower price. We have found that other e-mail hosting providers do all sorts of things to make their offering sound appealing. Most is geared towards taking advantage of the naive computer users, which to me is an insult. For example, one provider adds a bullet item of "FREE Outlook™ Download" What exactly does that mean? It sounds like you get a free copy of Microsoft Outlook, which sells for $199 by itself, or as part of one of the MS Office Products, that range from $299 to $600 or more; I had to investigate (ask). After investigation, it means that they offer a link to Microsoft to download the trial version. After 30-days,* you have to pay to keep using it. Most Windows users that plan on using Microsoft Office already have it, or know that it is not free, so there doesn't seem to be much point in having this bullet item in our list as if it is something special. If you are truly needing a link to Microsoft to locate MS Outlook, here it is: Microsoft Outlook. As alternatives, you could look at Zimbra, which is written specifically to replace the need for MS Exchange Server and MS Outlook. The Zimbra Desktop is an e-mail client that can be used in place of MS Outlook, regardless of what type of e-mail service you are connecting to.

For an entire free office suite, you might consider Open Office or Libre Office, however they do not offer an Outlook compatible client that works with Microsoft Exchange Server.

Also Read

Intro   Introduction to Web Development Services
Why   Why you need a web page.
Stats   This should scare you (at least back then it did).
Prices   Packages, Prices, Options
Extras   Extras Prices (with Descriptions)
Additional Services   FTP, Link Maintenance, Webmaster, Proofread, Backup, Restore
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