Animation Graphics

Some examples of still images animated

Before After
Click to return. Click to return.
The original The words at the bottom are added a word at a time, then flashed, then the outline of the words is flashed, which kicks off a light charge that travels around both sides of the logo, finally reaching a common meeting point, and then forming a brief glowing star.


Before After
Click to return. Click to return.
The original The changing spotlights in the background are made with over 20 different images.  The light beams vary in intensity to give an even greater range of possibilities.


Before After
Animated version of logo. Another logo.
The original One letter gets a star after 10 seconds, then another gets a star 5 seconds later.  The process does not repeat again for 20 seconds.


An example of color changing and animation

Before After
The original The drop shadow effect is turned on and off.


Before After
Click to return. Click to return.
The original The letters are highlighted by lighting from behind.  Most of the time, the logo looks the same but the cycle repeats every 30 seconds.


Before After
Click to return. Click to return.
The original The eye winks after 10 seconds, waits 10 seconds and then taps his toe restlessly.  The intent was to be subtle.  On the page where this is used, most people never realize that the logo is animated.


Before After
Click to return. Click to return.
The original The rainbow held over the head is used like a jump rope.


Before After
Click to return. Click to return.
The original The tiny Italian lights that Mr. C's is famous for are added to the logo.


Before After
Click to return. Click to return.
The original The changing spotlights in the background are made with over 20 different images.  The light beams vary in intensity to give an even greater range of possibilities than just switching the four beams on and off.


Before After
Click to return. Click to return.
The original The eyes blink and then do a look around, including a cross-eyed look.


Before After
Click to return. Click to return.
The original The triangle gets drawn a leg at a time, then the "swish" is added a bit at a time.



An example of repeating animation

Finished Result
Click to visit the zoo.
Endless Cheetahs
The cheetahs seem to never stop.  That is because I made sure they never do.  The first cheetahs are merged in with the last so that the process repeats.

The sun was to the left and to the rear, causing the side we see to be darker than would be preferred.  Cheetahs aren't actors so reshooting is not an option. ...  You take cheetahs when you can get them.

The image was made from a film clip of around 13 cheetahs walking abreast coming towards the camera, then filmed as they walked by.  Not all of the cheetahs walked by when the background was similar enough to use.  Can you count how many cheetahs were used?


An example of animation used to show a before and after image.

Before and After

Click to visit the webpage.
The right side of the roof has a glare from the sun.  An animated version shows the "before" and "after" in the space of a single image.

The right side of the roof has been repaired and the color change caused by the glare has been corrected.  Notice the right side of the building is slightly different in color as would be normal due to positioning of the sun.


See also:

Graphics, and Web Development
