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How to bookmark our website.

To add to Favorites or Bookmarks, Ctrl+D works for most browsers regardless of operating system.  If there is not a choice to "Bookmark Gary Redden" under the additional menu at the bottom of the screen, your browser may not have JavaScript capability or it may not be turned on.  If all other choices are not available, follow these steps, depending on the Operating System and browser you use.

  • Windows.
    • AOL
      • Click on the Globe, then Prefs, select Navigation Folder Tab.  At Startpage Location, enter GCSRSS; Click OK
    • Others
      • Click and hold the mouse pointer on this link (GCSRSS).  You will see a list of options pop up.
        • Internet Explorer
          • select "Add to Favorites"*
        • Mozilla
          • select "Bookmark This Link"*
        • Netscape Navigator
          • select "Add Bookmark"
        • Opera
          • select "Bookmarks | Add page here..."
            Older versions may have the option to "Add Link Document to Hot List"
  • Macintosh.
    • AOL
      • Click on the Globe, then Prefs, select Navigation Folder Tab.  At Startpage Location, enter GCSRSS; Click OK
    • Others
      • Click and hold the mouse pointer on this link (GCSRSS).  You will see a list of options pop up.
        • Internet Explorer
          • select "Add to Favorites"
        • Mozilla
          • select "Bookmark This Link"
        • Netscape Navigator
          • select "Add Bookmark"
        • Opera
          • select "Bookmarks | Add page here..."
            Older versions may have the option to "Add Link Document to Hot List"

Some browsers do not have bookmarks or favorites.  Those that don't have any bookmarking capabilities are usually very simple browsers, usually made for a specific purpose other than for browsing the World Wide Web.  Way before Graphic User Interfaces (GUIs) came along, the Internet and the World Wide Web portion was accessible from text based browsers.  Many of those browsers are still in use today, some for nostalgic reasons, some because the computer/operating system only supports the browser, and some because the browser offers advantages over the more modern browsers.  For example, Lynx is a text only based browser.  Lynx has been around for quite some time, but why would anyone want to use a text based browser?  You get to skip all the fancy graphics and get to the text of the matter.  Also, by not supporting many modern browser features, several security holes are eliminated.  For some fun times, try a Lynx browser and see how your favorite websites do.  Then you may understand why gcsrss.com™ is not made to be so fancy with lots of graphics to make up the interface.

Try the links below to access other areas of the website.


Add to Favorites
Add to Favorites
Notice the F is underlined.  This means you can press the F key on your keyboard.


Add to Bookmarks
Bookmark This Link

Notice the L is underlined.  This means you can press the L key on your keyboard.



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